Care costs and funding options
How much is your care likely to cost?
At Amora Care, we are committed to having fair and transparent care costs.
Our care is tailored to each individual, but the following illustrations will give you an idea of costs:
Mary is fully independent, but her son lives far away and wants someone to check in on her for one hour twice a week to ensure she's keeping well. Mary's weekly care costs are £71.4.
James has early-stage dementia and needs a bit of support. He has a one-hour visit every morning where he has a bath most days, has his lunch prepared and, once a week, the visit is purely domestic to keep his house clean. James' weekly care costs are £253.90.
Rose had a stroke and needs support three times a day. She has a one-hour personal care visit every morning and 30-minute visits at lunch and dinner times. Rose's weekly care costs are £655.
If you want help working out your costs, call us on 01892336842.

Care funding options
There are several ways in which people can obtain funding for their care. One option is to pay for it privately, while another is to seek support from the local authority, which is dependent on the outcome of a means test. If you have less than £23,250 in capital (including savings and investments), you may be eligible for such support.
The support rules vary depending on where you are, but direct payments are one of the most common support methods in England:
Direct Payments: After the local authority has assessed your financial viability, you receive a direct payment from them to pay for the funded portion of your care cost. You add the balance and organise your care yourself.
Other alternative support methods include:
Attendance allowance – helps pay for your personal care if you've reached State Pension age and are disabled;
Personal Independence Payment – if you are aged 16-64 and need help with daily activities or getting around because of a long-term illness or disability.
To find out more or seek advice, contact Kent Adult Social Care.
Kent Card? We accept it!
The Kent Card is a convenient way to receive your direct payments. ​Contact your Case Manager for information on how to get one, and how to use Amora Care as your chosen care provider.
No more waiting for your carer to arrive, not knowing who will turn up when! With us, you will enjoy punctual visits, access to the Amora App to view your visit schedule, and the assurance that our carers will stay for the full duration of the visit, providing consistent and reliable care!
Want to know more about the Kent Card and Direct Payments? Download the KCC's guide here: